Saturday, May 28, 2011

People CAN BE RICH, But...

Just had a revolutionary (not quite revolutionary, in fact the system had been in existence for a very long time now that I am surprised about how stupid I was in not finding out about it in a very long time) seminar. And it taught me how to get away from the rat race, and start having a safety net while I pursue my dreams.

I was naturally fired up... but what disappointed me was that I was willing to share the information given to me--for FREE (I got to pay an expensive fee for that), but no one wanted it! That left me dumbfounded... here people complain about poverty, and overpopulation of the poor... yet they don't want to lift a finger in order to get rich and help the poor.

Yes, it's true! At first I didn't believe I could get money without hardwork... or build my own business, but I was proved wrong!

Why the wealthy get richer? And the poor get poorer? I know I know, cliche, they couldn't make ends meet blah blah blah... If it's poverty they wanted, then let them have it.

I am all out to help people. But I guess I scared them away... by being so over enthusiastic. Hahaha... it's just I guess I really wanted to help them... I really really really do. It's sad, deep down people are afraid to let go of slacking off... that people would rather look at the negative side of things, than look at the opportunities... YES.... LIFE AND DREAMS exist! IT IS TRUE! I will be up there I guess, to the road less traveled... But I now know, the future is so much brighter! :)... I am now, LIVING THAT DREAM!... I refuse to be stopped. :)

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