Monday, March 5, 2012

How I knew I was led to the right path

I went early this morning to church. I had Mass offered for the repose of my grandparents' souls in purgatory. Because we Catholics believe that there is charity in having the Holy Mass offered for the dead.
Anyhow, I have in my hands some money to give---- sort of tithes. I usually give my 10% of income as I was told by reliable people that if I want to be rich, I should entrust my 10% income to God. It wasn't a big deal to me really---- it's just a small amount compared to the blessings I have received.
And so I gave my money to the home for the street children and the abandoned.

Like what I read from a priest I so respected, God indeed affirms His dreams for you.
I got a very big project from Don Bosco Press, and up till now, I feel so humbled because the blessing came my way eventhough I know there are many people more worthy than me... but the project was given to me--- yes me. I am forever grateful for that...

When I took the receipt for the donation I made, I saw that I gave my money for the benefit of the street children, and it suddenly dawned on me, could it be it? That the reason why I was given the project,  was because I was helping the cause of the founder, St. John Bosco? Salesians are  known for helping the youth for a better tomorrow, and our project was to write books for the youth---- and I give some of what I have for their cause--- now that got me thinking--- could it be it? Was I led to the right path?

My faith is rejuvenated--- I guess I'm on the right track, I am blessed! Indeed! :)

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